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Operations Results

The fiscal year 2012 and operations results

Fiscal year 2012, BAAC defines the operational guidelines for the implementation of projects to ensure quality and response to the occupation of the community members, which can be summarized as follows;

       1) To provide a clear direction for philosophy of sufficiency economy community development. There are three dimensions of development ranging from economic to social and environmental. The bank has set the standards of the community which has three steps in order to compare with the prototype development. Then the result of the plans will be similar standard.

       2) To allow community model response to the main occupation of the farmer clients and community members BAAC sets the guidelines for implementation in order to integration with project value along value chain. This begins with selection of community, establishment of professional groups, increasing production efficiency and marketing linkage.

       3) To support the rehabilitation of farmer clients who participated in the debt extension project, by allowing community as a center to revive their career. In fiscal year 2012, BAAC selected the community which has a large number of its farmer clients as the model community in order to facilitate the training of farmers and follow-up after the training output.

Goals and operations period

Operational goals of Fiscal Year 2012 was a total of 6,450 communities which can be categorized as follows:
      1) Level 1st of sufficiency community model as 5,000 communities.
      2) Level 2nd of sufficiency community model as 1,000 communities.
      3) Level 3rd of sufficiency community model as 450 communities

Implementation period of 1 year from date of April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013

Operational Result

Project Operational Result FY Goal
2010 2011 2012 2013
Community development underlying philosophy of sufficiency economy 3,510 4,981 6,450 7,800
Level 1st of sufficiency community model 3,016 4,057 5,000 6,000
Level 2nd of sufficiency community model 344 607 1,000 1,200
Level 3rd of sufficiency community model 150 317 450 600
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About BAAC
BAAC's Vision
Organization Structure
Board of Director
Executive Officers
Product and Service
International Business