BAAC Social welfare undertakings

Management Structure of the Committees of BAAC Social Responsibility

BAAC Board of Directors

CSR sub - committee

Supervision of CSR activities

CSR fund management committee

CSR working group

Disaster relief

Disaster relief fund management committee

Disaster relief working group

Good corporate governance sub - committee

Principles of Social Responsibility

BAAC’s management concentrates on the Sufficiency Economy concept, responsible for society and environment under the participation process to stimulate balanced, prosper and sustainable development which goes hand in hand with compliance with the ISO 26000 standard defined by International Organization for Standard (ISO) covering 7 subjects

Adoption of the philosophy of Self Sufficiency Economy and the 7 core subjects of ISO 26000  


Self Sufficiency Economy

Moderation, Reasonableness, Immunity for self- protection, Knowledge, Virtue

The 7 Core Subjects
•    Organizational Governance
•    Human Right
•    Labor Practices
•    The environment
•    Fair Operating Practices
•    Consumer Issues
•    Community Involvement and Development

The implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility and the environment

Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC) oriented corporate management in philosophy of sufficiency economy with social responsibility and the environmental awareness under the processes involved by all stakeholders. To achieve balanced and sustainable development, BAAC oriented to the practices in accordance with the standards of corporate social responsibility (ISO 26000) of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) with the 7 main topics (Core Subjects) as below

1) Organizational Governance
BAAC operates according to the principles of good corporate governance and ethical business. BAAC board of directors, management committees and employees adhere to the operation and conduct themselves responsibly in accordance with the code of each other responsibilities with adequate system, transparency, correct and accountability. The disclosure policy allow all stakeholders to timely reach and acknowledge the correct information from various channels, such as the annual report, BAAC website, BAAC DJ. through local radio. In addition BAAC board of directors, management committees must declare their assets and liabilities as required by law. Beside all employees must report a conflict of interest (COI) annually.

2) Human Rights
BAAC equally treat all our customers irrespective of the disparity of races, religions, sex and age without discrimination in banking and financial services, disclosure of information or examining information regulatory as require by law. In case of the disabled or the elderly customers, special care, such as wheelchair seat arrangement and priority lane will be provided. Beside, employees will be treated as rights without discrimination under the law including all stakeholders.

3) Principles and Practices of Labor
BAAC recognizes the importance of encouraging excellent employees’ condition in their work. The working environment was adjusted to be appropriate and safe. Both personal and team development and training are consecutively provided to empower staffs’ knowledge and abilities to perform the assigned goals. In addition, BAAC offers the adequate welfare system and timely adjusted salary structure with the opportunity for employees to advance their careers according to their ability as same as the promotion of gender roles, support collaboration and the involvement of employees through the labor relation system.

4) The Environmental Awareness
BAAC loan policy prescribe that all loan products must not negatively impact on the environment and emphasis on reducing global warming and restore natural green to the environment. The new BAAC headquarters was designed and built of energy-efficient buildings, landscaped green space with all provincial trees from all part of the country as same as local and native plants. Beside the introduction of waste water will be treated and back to watering lawns and trees to maximize the benefits and save the world.

5) Fair Operating Practices
BAAC, as rural development bank, is focused on creating opportunities for farmers to access funding. Without seeking for maximum profit, BAAC's lending interest rate is fair. BAAC also gives priority to reduce travel expenses of farmers. Thus we consecutively expand the branch networks or services to more than 1,000 branches across the country in all areas, especially in remote rural areas. In addition the procurement process of BAAC emphasizes on transparency, fairness to all parties as relevant legal and regulatory requirements.

6)  Consumer Issues
BAAC specify the confidentiality of customer information and the importance of customers as business ethics and integrity of employees. We also provide a system for receiving complaints through various channels with public relation team to quickly respond to our clients. In addition, the business development staffs are prepared to take care of farmer clients in all provinces across the country. Beside the volunteers of household financial advisor, who are the farmers and be admittedly in each community, are appointed to serve as the financial mentors of the villages.

7) Community Involvement and Development
BAAC consecutively strengthen rural communities to improve their quality of life in accordance with philosophy of sufficiency economy by focusing on the farmers and community centers and development according to the geosocial and topography. BAAC now support the sufficiency economy model community and new theory Step 1-3 of 6,450 communities and BAAC learning centers projects for the development of economy sufficient of 84 centers which will consecutively be expanded as same as the promotion of education, culture and sports.