Get High Interest Rate & Tax Exemption

Qualifications of Applicants :
- General individuals from 7 years of age onwards

Starting Date :
- Effective as of November 1, 2012

Deposit Period :
- 24 months/25 months (1 missing deposit)/ 26 months (2 missing deposits)

Interest Rate :
- 3.40%* (interest rate for 12 months fixed account with additional 0.90% ), tax exempted. Receive 1 time tax upon maturity where the capital and interest rate are deposited into the receiver account

Deposit Criteria :
1. Minimum deposit of 1,000 baht but not exceeding 25,000 baht with the same amount of deposit made every month upon the completion of 24 times (1 person for 1 account only)
2. Deposit must be made no later than the last day of the month for tax exemption. Deposit and maturity period will be moved to the next month
3. Missing 2 deposits are allowed with eligibility for tax rights and interest. For any missing deposit, the deposit duration and maturity date will be postponed by 1 month
4. If there are 2 missing deposits, the applicant is subject to leave the program where the tax rate is the same as the savings account and subject to withholding tax deduction

Withdrawal Criteria :
- Early withdrawal is only for closing account
- Early withdrawal before deposits not up to 3 months will receive no interest rate
- Early withdrawal for deposits made more than 3 months onwards will receive an interest rate based on the actual deposit and subject to withholding tax deduction
